WKND RWND: Chicago Edition!


Last weekend in Chicago I… Continue reading

3 World Cup-Themed Cocktails for Those Who are “Into It” Merely for the Social Aspect

world cup cocktails

Everyone’s all “USA!” “Vai Brasil!” “¡Viva México!” while I’m like, “So, they just played for 90 minutes and the game ends 0-0? That’s dumb.” Needless to say, I’m contributing nothing to the daily World Cup debriefings in the office break room every morning. For those of you whom are indifferent about the once-every-four-years-worldwide-pandemonium, show your “interest” in this ancient international competition by serving up these “World Cup themed” cocktails for you and your FIFA fanatic friends to enjoy.  Continue reading

Summer, Summer, Summertime: 4 Best Pools to Take a Dip in Dallas


It’s summertime in the Big D! Time to show off those washboard abs that you sacrificed carbs for and ran laps-on laps-on laps around White Rock Lake for months in order to obtain. While Dallas has become home to many public party pools, the spots that aren’t flooded with 30 Thousand Dollar Millionaires are a little harder to find. Never fear, #deliveredbydev has yet again done the hard work for you, and narrowed down the top spots where you can enjoy fun in the sun with the least amount of douche-ness blocking your rays. Continue reading



Kicked things off with happy hour at The Rustic in West Village with friends…

Enjoyed burgers on the rooftop patio of Stackhouse Burgers in East Dallas, with the Dallas skyline as my backdrop…

Orchestrated the perfect homemade brunch complete with mimosas,freshly-baked butter biscuits, fruit medley, and three-egg omelets stuffed with goat and sharp cheddar cheeses, ground pork sausage, diced mushrooms, jalapeños, bell peppers, minced garlic and seasoned with Old Bay Cajun Seasoning (All of this goodness was enjoyed on the rooftop terrace of the Mercantile Building in downtown Dallas!)... Continue reading